
Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support Blueprint

The Continuity of Care (CoC) in breastfeeding support website houses the Blueprint and serves as a national repository of community breastfeeding best practices, stories from the field and other related CoC resources to further facilitate implementation of the seven blueprint recommendations.
  • This website is updated with resources frequently. If you would like to contribute with a relevant resource, please contact breastfeeding@naccho.org.
  • If you would like to request a CoC in breastfeeding support presentation in your meeting or conference, please contact us. We would love to work with you for a complimentary in-person or remote session.


Upcoming Events


To watch the 8 webinars from the Every Step of the Way Continuity of Care series, and to claim, click the link below.


The Two-Year Anniversary of the Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support: A Blueprint for Communities:

To read the blog post, click here.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
State and Local Strategies | Breastfeeding | CDC

Every Step of the Way Through the First 1,000 Days: The Launch of the Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support Blueprint


Blueprint Showcased on the Letdown Podcast:

To listen to the full conversation, click here

To view the Letdown Podcast, click here.  

To receive updates about the Blueprint funding opportunities, please subscribe to our monthly Breastfeeding in the Community Listserv 
To subscribe, please log in to your MyNACCHO account. If you do not have a "MyNACCHO" account, you can sign up here.  
  • Once logged on, click on "My Subscriptions" in the left navigation menu 
  • Check the box for Breastfeeding in the Community
  • Click "Save" at the bottom of the page